Work Travel

I wanted to write you to tell you it is okay. It is okay to have a job that takes you on the road. Even if it makes you feel as though you live in an airport.

You are still a good parent. It is okay because you are setting the ultimate example for your kiddos.

You are teaching them the life lesson that success takes hard work and sacrifice. They may not understand right now but they will. They will understand that this is what has to be done to pay for private school, college, and dance lessons. They will appreciate you for it. It may take a while, maybe so long that they will find themselves doing the same thing for your grandchildren, but they will eventually understand.

I wanted to write you to tell you to let go of the guilt. The guilt of not being there for homework checks, bath times, and bedtime stories.  Let go of the guilt of missing all the “firsts”. It is not a secret that you would choose the loudest stickiest family dinner over a stuffy hotel work dinner any day. You are loving them the best way you can and it is not by choice you aren’t there. Let go of the guilt that makes you feel inadequate as a parent. You are more than adequate; you are to be admired. The balancing act is exhausting but know that it is worth it.

Showing your kids and family that you love them can be so difficult on the road. They don’t need another airport stuffed animal. They already have 20. It’s singing the potty training song awkwardly into your Facetime call as you wait to board a plane that shows you really care. It is leaving a memento at home so they can have a little piece of you still closest to their hearts. A Huggybox reminds them of your love, your warmth, and your dedication to their little lives. They can remember the strength and comfort of your hug maybe on days they need it the most.

I wanted to write to you,  that mom or dad who is about to leave on another work trip. It is okay, and thank you. Thank you for teaching your children that you can be dedicated to a career but still put family first. Send that Huggybox, sing into your phone, and continue on with that juggling act of life.

The world needs more of you.

Thank you.

Feeling Lonely

Author: Ashley Rodrigues, MS, LPC

In a world where families are often spread out across the country or even across the world, having a loved one in the hospital can make that distance seem even greater.

As a mental health professional, I see the stress and the toll that loneliness can have on both the individual hospitalized and on their families longing to support them. Huggybox is a creative way to connect with loved ones in their time of need and when they need a hug from you the most, regardless of zip code.

Families separated by distance are accustomed to communicating through technology like cell phones and internet. Continuing to utilize phone calls and messages to stay connected to their loved ones can be vital in preventing feelings of isolation when they are in the hospital. Often families are desperate to provide more than just the standard support to become more connected in this time of need. Phone calls are typical, and this is a very un-typical time. There is a desperation to provide more support to loved ones that is above and beyond a phone call. HuggyBox can be the perfect hospital care package.

get well soon gift ideas

As a therapist, I encourage my clients to get creative in ways to connect with their loved ones. Think outside of the box… or maybe the answer can be found within a little box. Perhaps the joy is in the unexpected gift of a Huggybox. The joy is in opening this cute little box and knowing that the person on the other side wants nothing more than to gift a nice warm hug.

Hospitals can be some of the harshest places to provide a supportive healing environment. Think about all the machines, wires, harsh lighting and cold floors that are found in hospital rooms. Many individuals crave the smallest comforts of home and many times caregivers can continue to get creative to provide this for a loved one.

One of the most effective ways to make an impact in a loved one’s comfort is by targeting all five of the senses. Perhaps, bringing a favorite blanket, sending favorite music, favorite flowers, or even a small rug to warm up a cold room can help engulf your loved one with comfort, but not all families live close enough to provide these feelings of home.

This is one reason why Huggybox is so special. Not only is Huggybox a visual reminder, but it serves as a cue to physically hug this cute little gift. This will trigger beautiful memories of hugs in the past. Nostalgia of happy times, and physical support flood the memories of loved ones. I would even suggest keeping the Huggybox under a pillow as a constant reminder of support. Every time your loved one slides their hand under that cool hospital pillow, there will be a reminder of the warmth and love of a hug from their Huggybox.

Feelings of helplessness are common in family members who are not able to drop their work, and busy lives to be bedside with a loved one. Stress can set in and lead to guilt. There is good news and  a brilliant creative option to let your family know that you love them.  The Huggybox can send the one thing you are longing to give your loved one more than anything, a nice warm hug.